Wednesday, September 25, 2013

My Swiss Day

Today I got to sleep in an extra hour because I had first hour free! Woohoo! I got ready and some breakfast then walked down the 114 steps to the bus stop. My house in Zeiningen where I am staying for the fall Holidays is on top of a hill. So in the morning I have to walk down the stairs and at night back up. That is not fun. I usually stop and take many breaks. I actually don't know for sure if it is 114 steps, that is what my host mother said. I always get too winded and have to stop counting.
I rode the bus to the Train Station, then I took the train to school.
For the first 2 hours I had Englisch. Easy, right? They're reading a book about a Native American boy (The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian). It was a pretty good book. They're also watching a documentary that was made by a Swiss director about the Lakota tribe. Most of it take place in Rapid City, South Dakota, but some people from the tribe had to go to St. Louis for a trial and when they showed the city I got excited. I told them that that was my State. Then the people in the movie started joking about how there were gangsters in St. Louis and they should have brought some protection. Then my class was like "oh my gosh! There are gangsters where you live?" I had to clarify that I lived far away from there.
The next 2 hours I had music class! We ended up playing djembe drums for the last hour. It was awesome!
Then after lunch I was so tired! I had Chemistry. I just sat there and watched while she was doing experiment.  I understood what she was teaching us because I already learned it in Englisch, but science in German is hard! The next 2 hours I had Deutsch and we had a test! Herr Pagotta gave it to me to try. I think I may have got some answers right. In one passage, you had o put the commas where they go, and I don't know if they have the same comma rules as in Englisch. I should probably figure that out. I just skipped that section.
My lovely mother had said she sent me some money, so after I got off the bus in Zeiningen I went to find a bank. I saw one bank, but I wasn't familiar with it, so I began to walk around the town. Finally, I walked past a lady watering her plants and she said a Swiss greeting to me, so I asked her if there was another bank in Zeiningen or only the one I saw (All in German of course! I'm proud of myself!) She told me that it was the only one.
After the bank and walking up the 114 step (taking many breaks along the way) I came home to find that my host mother had made me a bowl of popcorn!
The note says Für Faith Leibe Elisabeth <3 It was really good. The night before I had told her that I popcorn was my favorite food.
The weather has been nice, so for dinner we ate outside on the balcony. We had Raclette (a very Swiss food with cheese and potatoes) Since they live on a hill we could look down on the town and hear cow bells in the distance. It was extremely Swiss. I that moment I realized "Wow, I'm in Switzerland."

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